Spring babies are coming soon on the Witzaney Family Farm!

Starting with our oldest baby, of eleven, ( pictured here on her wedding day); who ANY Day and possibly in the next 24 hours is readying to give birth to our 13th grandbaby!

On our 110 year old family farm we love babies! They remind us of New Life and that's probably why we named our business and created a logo of a tiny baby plant.

Choosing to farm and grow food for families is also in actuality a new life for David who has worked in the oil patch for the last 30 years, until the recent Covid lockdowns and oil price tank.

We decided to "think positively" about his job change and see this time as an opportunity (#freedom50) to focus on our faith, family and farm with growing food for families.

Babies are an important part of this upcoming season and as we ready our family and our farm for the next batch of babies this spring, we are thinking of the families that choose to sit down at their table this day to eat the food that we grow.

We've got exciting plans this summer and we hope that you will follow along here as we get better at blogging it all. Or better yet plan a visit to our farm this summer to see what it's all about!

Connection to the family farm, the land and eventually the food that is grown is a passion of our family.

We hope you will enjoy our What's New section on this website as we move forward with hope for Spring 2021.

Subscribe if you don't want to miss out What's New!

#ChooseLife #Choosewellness

