What would a farm be without a farm dog?

Eleven years ago our family rescued our farm dog, Sadie, from a house that needed to thin out their pack of 7 dogs. She was at the bottom of the pack, over-submissive, and needed a family to call her own. She immediately took to our family. Especially with our daughter, Janelle, who convinced us to let Sadie sleep inside at night.

Sadie quickly became our best farm dog ever. You can tell Sadie to go put the chickens away, and she will gently lead them back to the coop. Sadie naturally herds cattle and is gentle enough to let the cats sleep next to her; even share her dog house. She puts on her mean face when Saskpower drives into the yard and immediately attacks anyone that is threatening a family member physically. We know this not because we've actually been threatened but as we've tested her response in a mock-up.

These would all make great videos that we will need to share this summer as Sadie will be 12, and Janelle, her favorite farmer, will be getting married. We realize it’s only a matter of time before Sadie will pass on. Until then though she’s still healthy and strong and able to hopefully help us train what will hopefully be our next BEST farm dog….

… In comes 18 month old Boy our new rescued dog. We call him Buddy and like Sadie, he just needed a new family and farm to call home. Buddy comes from Northern Saskatchewan where he was going to be culled (shot) as they feel there are too many dogs. He was rescued by a Saskatoon family and from there we soon discovered he needed a home.

Buddy is a beautiful cross between Great Pyrenees and Golden Lab and we can understand why he was saved from that fatal day. Buddy's fate will forever be changed!! So far he loves our farm... a little too much, as he likes to chase and bark at the livestock. However, we soon hope that after a visit to the vet and one-on-one daily training, he will soon be our farmer's new best friend! We will keep you posted soon with some videos on our New Life Organic Foods social media accounts.


